Dr. Nurul Huda Sakib Professor, Department of Government & Politics
Dr. Nurul Huda Sakib earned his PhD from the University of Sydney in 2018 and boasts 16+ years of teaching, research, and consultancy experience. He lectured at the University of Sydney, served as adjunct faculty at Bangladesh University of Professionals and North South University, and supervised research at the Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre. With over 35 publications in esteemed journals and presentations worldwide. Dr Sakib has been awarded the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on Transparency and Accountability in Government Exchange Program by US Government in 2021. Dr. Sakib is also working as a Varieties of Democracy Project, Dept of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. In 2022, Dr. Sakib have been awarded IVLP Impact Award by the US Government on Whistleblowing. Also, his project on whistleblowing also won Small Grant Competition funded by EMK Centre in Bangladesh. From January 2023, Dr. Sakib has been serving as senior research fellow at the Bangladesh Center for Indo-Pacific Affairs (BCIPA).
My research interest includes corruption and anti-corruption, bottom-up approach, water politics and governance, Rohingya refugee governance, Belt and Road Initiatives, regional cooperation, environmental governance, community activism and engagement, political communication and new media, local government.
All Publications
Sakib, N. H., Why have anti-corruption efforts failed in Bangladesh?, The, South Asia Centre, London School of Economics, UK, 2019.Sakib, N. H. (2019) Why have anti-corruption efforts failed in Bangladesh?, the South Asia Centre, London School of Economics. Retrieved from: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/southasia/2019/10/03/why-have-anti-corruption-efforts-failed-in-bangladesh/
Sakib, N. H. & Rahman, S., Local Solutions for Local COVID-19 Problems: Community Activism in Bangladesh, The South Asia Centre, London School of Economics, UK, 2020.Sakib, N. H. & Rahman, S. (2020) Local Solutions for Local COVID-19 Problems: Community Activism in Bangladesh , the South Asia Centre, London School of Economics. Retrieved from https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/southasia/2020/05/20/local-solutions-for-local-covid-19-problems-community-activism-in-bangladesh/
Sakib, N. H., The Interplay Between Corruption and Development: Bangladesh’s LDC Graduation, Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong., Hong Kong, 2020.Sakib, N. H. (2020). The Interplay Between Corruption and Development: Bangladesh’s LDC Graduation, Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong. Retrieved from https://www.asiaglobalonline.hku.hk/interplay-between-corruption-and-development-bangladeshs-ldc-graduation?
Ahmed, F. & Sakib, N. H., Covid-19 in Bangladesh is creating a humanitarian, public health and economic crisis – along with rising tensions between Rohingya refugees and the host community, The Loop, ECPR Political Science Blog, UK, 2020.Ahmed, F. & Sakib, N. H. (2020). Covid-19 in Bangladesh is creating a humanitarian, public health and economic crisis – along with rising tensions between Rohingya refugees and the host community, The Loop, ECPR Political Science Blog. Retrieved from https://theloop.ecpr.eu/covid-19-in-bangladesh-is-creating-a-humanitarian-public-health-and-economic-crisis-along-with-rising-tensions-between-rohingya-refugees-and-the-host-community/
5. Partha, R. & Sakib, N. H., Once regarded as ‘remittance warriors’ and saviours of Bangladesh, overseas migrants are now lambasted as coronavirus super-spreaders who have left a nation in crisis, The Loop, ECPR Political Science Blog, UK, 2020.Partha, R. & Sakib, N. H. (2020). Once regarded as ‘remittance warriors’ and saviours of Bangladesh, overseas migrants are now lambasted as coronavirus super-spreaders who have left a nation in crisis, The Loop, ECPR Political Science Blog. Retrieved from https://theloop.ecpr.eu/once-regarded-as-remittance-warriors-and-saviours-of-bangladesh-overseas-migrants-are-now-lambasted-as-coronavirus-super-spreaders-who-have-left-a-nation-in-crisis/
Sakib, N. H. and Ahmed, F., COVID-19 and the Rohingya refugee devotion, disinformation and disease, Asia Global Institute, The University of Hong Kong, 2020.Sakib, N. H. and Ahmed, F. (2020). COVID-19 and the Rohingya refugee devotion, disinformation and disease, Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong. Retrieved from: https://www.asiaglobalonline.hku.hk/covid-19-and-rohingya-refugees-devotion-disinformation-and-disease
Hanen, D. and Sakib, N, H., Few rights and little progress: The Rohingya in Bangladesh, Center for Global Development, USA., USA, 2021.Helen, D. & Sakib, N. H. (2021). Few rights and little progress: The Rohingya in Bangladesh, Center for Global Development, USA, Retrieved from: https://www.cgdev.org/blog/few-rights-and-little-progress-rohingya-bangladesh
Sakib, N. H. and Habib, A., Risk and opportunity: Bangladesh ponders China and the Belt and Road Initiative, Asia Global Institute, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2021.Sakib, N. H. and Habib, A. (2021). Risk and opportunity: Bangladesh ponders China and the Belt and Road Initiative, Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong. Retrieved from: https://www.asiaglobalonline.hku.hk/risk-and-opportunity-bangladesh-ponders-china-and-belt-and-road-initiative
Sakib, N. H. and Rahman, S., Bangladesh balances its relations with major powers: Why the repatriation of Rohingya refugees is unlikely., Asia Global Institute, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,JOURNAL PAPER
Sakib, N. H., Shishir, M., & Rahman, S, Changing Dynamics of Political Party Communication: The Case of New Media in Bangladesh, Bandung: Journal of the Global South, 2024.Sakib, N. H., Shishir, M., & Rahman, S (2024), Changing Dynamics of Political Party Communication: The Case of New Media in Bangladesh, Bandung: journal of the global south (in Press).
Shishir, M. F. J., Sakib, N. H., Rahman, M.S., Dilemma of Weberian Model and Recent Quota Ban in the Civil Service Recruitment in Bangladesh: Quest for a Policy Framework., Journal of Politics and Administration, 7, 1-2, pp.118-132, Department of Public Administration, Islamic University, Kustia., 2023.Shishir, M. F. J., Sakib, N. H., Rahman, M.S. (2023) Dilemma of Weberian Model and Recent Quota Ban in the Civil Service Recruitment in Bangladesh: Quest for a New Policy Framework, Journal of Politics and Administration, 7(1-2), 118-132, Department of Public Administration, Islamic University, Kustia.
Sakib, N. H., Corruption and Food Security in Bangladesh, AmCham Journal,, 16, 2, pp.28-31, 2024.Sakib, N. H.; (2024) Corruption and Food Security in Bangladesh, AmCham Journal, 16(2), 28-31, Retrieved From: https://www.amchambd.org/resources.
Sajedur Rahman, M.,Huda Sakib, N.,Jasmin., Volunteerism and Civic Engagement during COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh., International Journal of Non-Profit Sector Empowerment,, 3, 1, 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.12681/npse.35837Sajedur Rahman, M.,Huda Sakib, N.,Jasmin.(2024).Volunteerism and Civic Engagement during COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh. International Journal of Non-Profit Sector Empowerment, 3(1),e35837.https://doi.org/10.12681/npse.35837
Ahmed, F. and Sakib, N. H., The Multiplicity of Institutions in Rohingya Camps and Its Impacts on Host Communities in Bangladesh, Social Science Review, A Journal of Faculty of Social Science, BSMRSTU, 1, 1, pp.27-45, 2023.Ahmed, F. and Sakib, N. H. (2023) The Multiplicity of Institutions in Rohingya Camps and Its Impacts on Host Communities in Bangladesh, Social Science Review, A Journal of Faculty of Social Science, BSMRSTU. 1(1).
Jasmin, Sakib, N. H., & Shishir, M. F. J., Chinese Soft Power in Bangladesh: Debt Trap or Shared Interests?, Journal of Indian and Asian Studies, 4, 1, doi: https://doi.org/10.1142/S2717541323500043Jasmin, Sakib, N. H., & Shishir, M. F. J. (2023). Chinese Soft Power in Bangladesh: Debt Trap or Shared Interests? Journal of Indian and Asian Studies (Online), 4(1). https://doi.org/10.1142/S2717541323500043.
20. Sakib, N. H., Titu, H. M. & Ahmed, S., Impact of NILG Training to Enhance the Capacity of the Councillors in the Paurashava, The Journal of Local Government, 46, 1, 2022.Sakib, N. H., Titu, H. M. & Ahmed, S. (2022). Impact of NILG Training to Enhance the Capacity of the Councillors in the Paurashava, The Journal of Local Government, National Institute of Local Government, 46(1), July-December, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Sakib, N. H., & Ahmed, F., Combating Corruption during Covid-19 in Bangladesh: The Role of Community-Based Organizations., International Journal of Non-Profit Sector Empowerment, 1, 1, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.12681/npse.31116Sakib, N. H., & Ahmed, F. (2022). Combating Corruption during Covid-19 in Bangladesh: The Role of Community-Based Organizations. International Journal of Non-Profit Sector Empowerment, 1(1), e31116. https://doi.org/10.12681/npse.31116.
Shishir, M., Sakib, N.H., How Interests and Ideas of a Dominant Actor Make a Big Difference: Analyzing India’s Role in SAARC and BIMSTEC., Chin. Polit. Sci. Rev., 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41111-022-00230-8Shishir, M., Sakib, N.H. (2022) How Interests and Ideas of a Dominant Actor Make a Big Difference: Analyzing India’s Role in SAARC and BIMSTEC. Chin. Polit. Sci. Rev. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41111-022-00230-8.
Sakib, N. H, Corruption Prevention through Community Organizing, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 29, 1, pp.1-25, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.36609/bjpa.v29i1.264Sakib, N. H. (2021). Corruption Prevention through Community Organizing: Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 29(1), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.36609/bjpa.v29i1.264.
Rahman, S and Sakib, N. H., Statelessness, forced migration and the security dilemma along borders: an investigation of the foreign policy stance of Bangladesh on the Rohingya influx., SN Social Sciences, 1, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43545-021-00173-yRahman, M.S., Sakib, N.H. (2021) Statelessness, forced migration and the security dilemma along borders: an investigation of the foreign policy stance of Bangladesh on the Rohingya influx. SN Social Science 1, 160 (2021), Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43545-021-00173-y.
Sakib, N. H., Community organizing in anti-corruption initiatives through spontaneous participation: Bangladesh perspective, Community Development Journal, Oxford University Press, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/cdj/bsaa027Sakib, N. H., (2020) Community organizing in anti-corruption initiatives through spontaneous participation: Bangladesh perspective, Community Development Journal, Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdj/bsaa027.
Sakib, N. H., Institutional Isomorphism of Anti-Corruption Agency: The Case of Anti-Corruption Commission in Bangladesh, Chinese Political Science Review, Fudan University, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41111-020-00143-4.Sakib, N. H., (2020) Institutional Isomorphism of Anti-Corruption Agency: The Case of Anti-Corruption Commission in Bangladesh, Chinese Political Science Review, Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41111-020-00143-4.
Sakib, N. H., One size does not fit all: An analysis of the corruption preventative approach of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Political Science,Sakib, N. H. (2019) One size does not fit all: an analysis of the corruption preventative approach of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Political Science, 27:2, 211-234, Routledge, DOI: 10.1080/02185377.2019.1642773.
Sakib, N. H., Understanding Cultural Causes of Corruption: The Case of Bangladesh, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 3, 5, pp.365-379., 2020.Sakib, N. H. (2019). Understanding Cultural Causes of Corruption: The Case of Bangladesh, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 3(5), 359-368. Link: https://www.rsisinternational.org/journals/ijriss/Digital-Library/volume-3-issue-5/359-368.pdf.
State of Water Governance in Dhaka Metropolitan City of Bangladesh: Evidence from Three Selected Slums,For Citation; Sakib, N. H. and M. T. Islam (2014). "State of Water Governance in Dhaka Metropolitan City of Bangladesh: Evidence from Three Selected Slums." International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies 1(2): 19-38.
Sakib, N. H., Conflict in Water Management: Study on Dhaka Slum Dwellers in Bangladesh, The Jahangirnagar Review, XLI, 1, pp.365-379., 2020.
Sakib, N. H. & Islam, M. T., (2020). Conflict in Water Management: Study on Dhaka Slum Dwellers in Bangladesh, The Jahangirnagar Review, XLI (1), 365-379.
Sakib, N. H., Investigating the Dominant Approaches to Study the Causes of Corruption in Bangladesh, Asian Studies, 38, 1, pp.1-19, 2019.Sakib, N. H. (2019). Investigating the Dominant Approaches to Study the Causes of Corruption in Bangladesh, Asian Studies, 38, 1-19.
Sakib, N. H., Anti Corruption Commission and political government: An evaluation of Awami League regime (2009-2012), Asian Studies, 32, 1, pp.79-87, 2013.Sakib, N. H. (2013). Anti Corruption Commission and political government: An evaluation of Awami League regime (2009-2012). Asian Studies, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, 32(1), 79-87.
Hossain, Md. A. & Sakib, N. H., Development, governance and irony of democracy, Asian Studies, 30, 1, pp.103-119, 14. Hossain, Md. A. & Sakib, N. H. (2011). Development, governance and irony of democracy. Asian Studies, 30, 103-119., 2011.Hossain, Md. A. & Sakib, N. H. (2011). Development, governance and irony of democracy. Asian Studies, 30, 103-119.
Ahmed, B., Sakib, N. H. & Hassan, F, Water politics of intricacy or silver lining trends in Indo-Bangladesh relations, The Jahangirnagar Review, XXXIII, 1, pp.73-87, 2009.Ahmed, B., Sakib, N. H. & Hassan, F. (2009). Water politics of intricacy or silver lining trends in Indo-Bangladesh relations, The Jahangirnagar Review, XXXIII, 73-87.
Hossain, Md. A. & Sakib, N. H., Area Planning and Land Management in Japan: The Development Tools and the Central-Local Roles, Journal of Administrative Studies, 2, 1, pp.115-130., 2009.Hossain, Md. A. & Sakib, N. H. (2009). Area Planning and Land Management in Japan: The Development Tools and the Central-Local Roles. Journal of Administrative Studies, 2, 115-130.
Sakib, N. H. & Mozumder, M. A. K., Corruption in Bangladesh: Theoretical Analysis and Institutional Effectiveness., Asian Studies, 27, 1, pp.93-104, 2008.Sakib, N. H. & Mozumder, M. A. K. (2008). Corruption in Bangladesh: Theoretical Analysis and Institutional Effectiveness. Asian Studies, 27, 93-104.
Sakib, N. H., Attitudes to Rohingya Refugee Migration, Rehabilitation and Repatriation in Bangladesh: What Does the Evidence Say?, The 34th Annual Conference Program, The Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (JASAS), Senshu University, Japan., 2021.Attitudes to Rohingya Refugee Migration, Rehabilitation and Repatriation in Bangladesh: What Does the Evidence Say? in the the 34th Annual Conference Program, The Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (JASAS) 9-10 October 2021, Senshu University, Japan.
Sakib, N. H., Patron-Client Relationship in Rohingya Camps: Recent Trend and Impact on Refugee Governance, International Conference on Bangladesh in 2041: Notions and Narratives of Diversification and Transformation, Virtual, 2021.Patron-Client Relationship in Rohingya Camps: Recent Trend and Impact on Refugee Governance in the International Conference on Bangladesh in 2041: Notions and Narratives of Diversification and Transformation, Saturday, November 13, 2021, Independent University (IUB) Campus, Bashundhara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Aisha, A and Sakib, N. H., Female Labour Migration in the Middle East from Bangladesh: Remittance Warrior or Modern-Day Slave?, The International Conference on Challenges and Trends of Migration, Dhaka, 2021.Female Labour Migration in the Middle East from Bangladesh: Remittance Warrior or Modern-Day Slave? in the International Conference on Challenges and Trends of Migration, November 19-20, 2021, jointly organised by Public International Law Research Centre of IFIM Law School, India and Centre for Peace Studies of North South University, Bangladesh.
Sakib, N. H., Combating Corruption During COVID-19 in Bangladesh: The Role of Community Based Organizations, NASPAA South Asia Virtual Conference 2021 Preparing Public Leaders in South Asia for a Post-Pandemic, Virtual, 2021.Combating Corruption During COVID-19 in Bangladesh: The Role of Community Based Organizations. NASPAA South Asia Virtual Conference 2021 Preparing Public Leaders in South Asia for a Post-Pandemic World, 12-14 November 2021, Organized by Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance (SIPG), North South University JSW School of Public Policy (JSW-SPP), IIM Ahmedabad.
Sakib, N. H., Community Organizing in Anti-Corruption Initiatives through Spontaneous Participation: Evidence from Bangladesh, 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, BPATC, Dhaka,Sakib, N. H. (2020) Community Organizing in Anti-Corruption Initiatives through Spontaneous Participation: Evidence from Bangladesh, 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, BPATC, Dhaka, Bangladesh. February 5-8, 2020.
Sakib, N. H., Socio-Economic Changes in Gohira Village in Bangladesh, 6th International Congress of Bengal Studies, India,Sakib, N. H. (2021) Socio-Economic Changes in Gohira Village in Bangladesh, 6th International Congress of Bengal Studies, 25-28 February 2021, Organized by International Society of Bengal Studies and Department of Modern Indian Language and Literary Studies, University of Delhi, India.
Why Anti-Corruption Isomorphism Fails in Developing Countries: An Analysis of the National Integrity Strategy (NI-Strategy) of Bangladesh,Sakib, N. H. (2017). Why Anti-Corruption Isomorphism Fails in Developing Countries: An Analysis of the National Integrity Strategy (NI-Strategy) of Bangladesh. Australian Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2017. Monash, Melbourne.
Changing Dynamics of Political Party Communication in Bangladesh: The case of New Media,Global Forum on Political Parties and Good Governance, Fudan University, China. May 10-12, 2019.
Institutional Isomorphism of Anti-Corruption Agency: The Case of Anti-Corruption Commission in Bangladesh.,25th World Congress of Political Science, International Political Science Association (IPSA), Brisbane, Australia. July 21-25, 2018
One size does not fit all: An analysis of the corruption preventative approach of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in Bangladesh,Lien International Conference on Good Governance, The Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA), The Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 27 October 2017.
Empowering Community in Anti-Corruption Initiatives: The Bangladesh Case,For Citation; Sakib, N. H. (2016). Empowering Community in Anti-Corruption Initiatives: The Bangladesh Case. Postgraduate Research Conference 2016. Sydney, Australia, The University of Sydney.
Sakib, N.H. and Howladar, M., Bangladesh at 50: Bangladesh-China Bilateral Relations in the 21st Century, Bangladesh-China Connectivity: History, Trade to Diplomacy, and Society, Springer, 2024.Sakib, N.H. and Howladar, M. (2024) Bangladesh at 50: Bangladesh-China Bilateral Relations in the 21st Century, In Md. Nazrul Islam and Akbar Hussain (eds) Bangladesh-China Connectivity: History, Trade to Diplomacy, and Society. Springer (in Press).
Sakib, N. H. and Ashraf, B, The Rohingya during COVID-19: Belief System, Governance, and Future Policy, Rohingya Crisis and the Two-Faced God of Janus: What Lies Ahead.,Sakib, N. H. and Ashraf, B (2022) The Rohingya during COVID-19: Belief System, Governance, and Future Policy, In: Kawser Ahmed (eds) Rohingya Crisis and the Two-Faced God of Janus: What Lies Ahead. Lexington Books.
Ahmed, F. and Sakib, N. H., COVID-19 and Informal Labour: What are the Impacts on the Rohingyas and the Host Communities in Bangladesh?, Rohingya Crisis and the Two-Faced God of Janus: What Lies Ahead.,Ahmed, F. and Sakib, N. H. (2022) COVID-19 and Informal Labour: What are the Impacts on the Rohingyas and the Host Communities in Bangladesh? In: Kawser Ahmed (eds) Rohingya Crisis and the Two-Faced God of Janus: What Lies Ahead. Lexington Books.
8. Rahman, S. & Sakib, N. H., Social Construction of Corruption in Developing World, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer, Cham.,Rahman, S. & Sakib, N. H., (2020) Social Construction of Corruption in Developing World. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham.
Sakib, N. H., Anti-Corruption Agencies, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer, Cham.,Sakib, N. H., (2020) Anti-Corruption Agencies. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham.
Sakib, N. H., Role of Community-Based Organisation to Combat Corruption, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer, Cham.,Sakib, N. H., (2020) Role of Community-Based Organisation to Combat Corruption. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham.
Sakib, N. H., Horizontal Accountability, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer, Cham.,Sakib, N. H., (2020) Horizontal Accountability. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham.
Sakib, N. H., Institutional Isomorphism., Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer, Cham., 2020.Sakib N.H. (2020) Institutional Isomorphism. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham.
Combating Corruption in Bangladesh: Role of the Anti Corruption Commission,Begum, T. and N. H. Sakib (2010). Combating Corruption in Bangladesh: Role of the Anti Corruption Commission. Political Management in Bangladesh, AH Development Publishing House, Dhaka.: pp. 249-270.
Sakib, N. H., Bottom-Up Anti-Corruption Approach, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, pp.1-6, Springer, Cham., 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3931-1Sakib N.H. (2020) Bottom-Up Anti-Corruption Approach. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3931-1
Sakib, N. H., IVLP Impact Award, Meridian International, US Department of States, 2022-23.Recipient of International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) Impact Award Grant on University Students Awareness on Whistleblowing at the Public Sectors in Bangladesh by the US Government, April, 2022 to February 2023. https://www.meridian.org/profile/nurul-huda-sakib/
Sakib, N. H., Small Grant on Whistleblowing at the Public Sectors in Bangladesh, The Edward M. Kennedy Center (EMK Centre), Dhaka, 2023.The Edward M. Kennedy Center (EMK Centre) Small Grant on Whistleblowing at the Public Sectors in Bangladesh, March 2023 to September 2023.
Sakib, N. H., The University of Sydney International Postgraduate Award (UIPA), Sydney, Australia,Sakib, N. H. (2014), The University of Sydney International Postgraduate Award (UIPA), Faculty of Arts and Social Science, The University of Sydney, Australia.
Sakib, N. H., International Visiting Leadership Award, US Government,Sakib, N. H. (2021) International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on Transparency and Accountability in Government II, An Academic Exchange Program organized by US Embassy, July 13 - July 30, 2021.
Sakib, N. H., Protecting Rohingya Refugees - Addressing Evolving Protection Needs, Danish Refugee Council and International Rescue Committee, Westin Hotel,Round Table Discussion on ‘Protecting Rohingya Refugees - Addressing Evolving Protection Needs' | REPORT ON ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION, May 2023. Retrieved from: https://pro.drc.ngo/resources/documents/report-on-round-table-discussion-echo-consortium/
SAkib, N. H., The Future of Youth Democratic Engagement in Bangladesh., International Republican Institute and Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), Westin Hotel, 2024.Panel talk organized International Republican Institute and Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) on ‘The Future of Youth Democratic Engagement in Bangladesh. Retrieved from: https://bipss.org.bd/the-future-of-youth-democratic-engagement-in-bangladesh/
Sakib, N. H., Participation and Solidarity of Asian Civil Society for the Rights of Foreign Residents and Refugees, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2021.Panel Talk in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit, session titled “Participation and Solidarity of Asian Civil Society for the Rights of Foreign Residents and Refugees”, December 15-17, 2021, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68gVOGKRTpk
Advanced Methods in Political Science and International Relations,26-28 November 2014, Sydney, Australia.
Research Project
Sakib, N. H., Pre and Post Parliamentary Election Media Monitoring and Reporting by first Time Youth Voter, JAGO Foundation, Dhaka, 2024.Pre and Post Parliamentary Election Media Monitoring and Reporting by First Time Youth Voter, Role: Research Advisor.Funding Agency: JAAGO Foundation, Oct 2023- April 24.
Rahman, S. and Sakib, N. H., 1. Socio-Economic Impact of Cross Border Energy Trade (CBET) at the South Asian Sub-Regional Level: A Bangladesh Perspective, , Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, 2022.Rahman, S. and Sakib, N. H. (2022). Socio-Economic Impact of Cross Border Energy Trade (CBET) at the South Asian Sub-Regional Level: A Bangladesh Perspective, Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, March 2022 to September 2022. Funded by USAID.
Teaching Development Programme,Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Sydney
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
208 | Global Politics | 2nd Year |
503 | Governance: Issues and Dynamics | Masters |
106 | Fundamentals of International Politics | 1st Year |
Academic Info
Period: 2014-2018
PhD in Public Policy
Position: Guest Faculty and Research Guide
Period: April 2019- December 2019.
Advanced Course on Administration and Development
Bangladesh Public Service Training Centre (BPATC)
Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Position: Teaching Fellow
Period: Oct. 2019- April 2020
Bangladesh Youth Leadership Program
A Research Initiative by New York University
Co-ordinated by Rupantar, Financed by USAID.
Position: Guest Lecturer
Period: 2016-2017
Deliver lecture on National Integrity System and Anti-Corruption Strategy of Bangladesh
Position: Casual Lecturer
Period: July 2018 to December 2018
Teaching Public Sector Ethics and Corruption
Position: Lecturer
Period: September 2007 to November 2010
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: November 2010-April 2019
Position: Associate Professor
Period: 4 April 2019- Till to date.
Position: Casual Lecturer
Period: July 2018- December 2018
Public Sector Ethics and Corruption
Position: Guest Lecturer
Period: 2016-2017
Guest lecturer on Public Sector Ethics and Corruption (GOVT6301).
Dr. Nurul Huda Sakib
Department of Government & Politics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 8801889733737
Work Phone: 880-2-7791045-51, Ext. 2340
Email: nhsakib@juniv.edu
, nsak2803@uni.sydney.edu.au